Dry Creek Valley Association
Annual Potluck Dinner and Business Meeting

March 23, 2025 at 5:00PM

The Villa Chanticleer, 900 Chanticleer Way, Healdsburg

We look forward to getting together with you, new and long-time members, on the 23rd at the Villa Chanticleer! Please invite neighbors to come. It is a great way to meet others in our community.

We will announce the winner of the 2025 Slogan Contest!


We are looking forward to presenting a few Dry Creek Valley women farmers to share their stories. Please join us to celebrate our fertile land and local agriculture.

Enjoy local wines and dishes made by our Dry Creek Valley community!


All plates and utensils will be provided. We encourage you to bring your own wine glasses. Wine will be provided, but you are welcome to bring a bottle to share.

Potluck assignments are as follows and should feed 8-10 people.

Last name beginning with:

A – C Dessert

D – M Side Dish or Salad

N – Z Main Course


Reply to let us know many will be attending via email to Lindsey (Lindseyjjackson@gmail.com) or phone (513)293-8511. Please respond by Wednesday, March 19th. Childcare will be provided, and we will need to know how many children will be attending.

PLEASE Volunteer to help. WE NEED YOU!

If you would like to volunteer to help at the dinner, please contact Lindsey by email (Lindseyjjackson@gmail.com) or phone (513) 293-8511.

We are looking forward to joining together as a community once again!


Please submit your membership dues for our fiscal year 7/1/24-6/30/25 of $45/voting member if you have not already done so. You may do this online at https://drycreekvalleyassociation.org/product/annual-membership/ or you may mail a check to DCVA, P.O. Box 1221, Healdsburg, CA 95448.

Mark your calendars! The Annual Roadside Clean-up is on April 6th!

Please use the attached proxy vote document if you can’t attend, but would like to have your vote counted in the election of DCVA Board Members.”